Item Description: | Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Coordination of Psychological and SociologicalPerspectives in Mathematics Education / Paul Cobb and HeinrichBauersfeld -- 2. The Teaching Experiment Classroom / Paul Cobb, ErnaYackel and Terry Wood -- 3. Mathematical Learning and Small-GroupInteraction: Four Case Studies / Paul Cobb -- 4. Children's Talk inInquiry Mathematics Classrooms / Erna Yackel -- 5. Thematic Patterns ofInteraction and Sociomathematical Norms / Jorg Voigt -- 6. An EmergingPractice of Teaching / Terry Wood -- 7. The Ethnography ofArgumentation / Gotz Krummheuer -- 8. 'Language Games' in theMathematics Classroom: Their Function and Their Effects / HeinrichBauersfeld. |