Table of Contents:
  • Food, drink and identity in Europe : consumption and the construction of local, national and cosmopolitan culture / Thomas M. Wilson
  • Food, phagophobia and English national identity / Menno Spiering
  • From whiskey to famine : food and intercultural encounters in Irish history / Joep Leerssen
  • Diet and modernization in the Netherlands during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / Michael Wintle
  • HItting the bar : alcohol, football identities and global flows in Norway / Gary Armstrong and Hans Hognestad
  • "Social wine" : ethnic identity and wine consumption in the Basque diaspora in Barcelona (Spain) / F. Xavier Medina
  • Journeys through "ingestible topography" : socializing the "situated eater" in France / Wendy L.H. Leynse
  • The quest for quality : food and the notion of "trust" in the Gers area in France / Karen Montagne
  • Food fights at the EU table : the gastronomic assertion of Italian distinctiveness / Erick Castellanos and Sara M. Bergstresser
  • Food, national identity, and emergent Europeanness at the European Space Agency / Stacia E. Zabusky.