Robotics and intelligent machines in agriculture : proceedings of the first International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines in Agriculture, October 2-4, 1983, Curtis Hixon Convention Center, Tampa, Florida.

Corporate Author: International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines in Agriculture Tampa, Fla.)
Format: Book
Published: St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of Agricultural Engineers, c1984.
Series:ASAE publication 4-84
ΒιβλιοθήκηΤαξιθετικός αριθμόςΑριθμός ΑντιτύπωνΠληροφορίεςΚατάσταση
Αμερικάνικη Γεωργική Σχολή631.3 Rob1ΠροβολήOPAC