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|a Ant Odometer (c.150 million B.C.), Knots (c. 18,000B.C.), Magic Squares (c.2200 B.C.), Pythagorean Theorem and Triangles (c.600B.C.), Zeno's Paradoxes (c.445 B.C.), Euclid's Elements (300 B.C.), Abacus (c.1200), Golden Ration (1509), Logarithms (1614), Slide Rule (1621), Pascal's Triangle (1654), Discovery of Caclulus (c.1665), Normal Distribution Curve (1733), Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (1797), Barycentric Calculus (1827), The Mobius Strip (1858), Riemann Hypothesis (1859), Flatland (1884), Proof of the Prime Number Theorem (1896), Hairy Ball Theorem (1912), Infinite Monkey Theorem (1913), Geodesic Dome (1922), Bourbaki: Secret Society (1935), Chaos and the Butterfly Effect (1963), Fuzzy Logic (1965), HP-35: First Scientific Pocket Calculator (1972), Rubik's Cube (1974), Fractals (1975), The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (1996), Tetris is NP-Complete (2002), Checker in Solved (2007), Mathematical Universe Hypothesis (2007).