Report of the second session of the Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics, Rome, 2-5 March 1998= Rapport de la deuxieme session du Groupe de travail sur l'economie et les statistiques des peches, Rome 2-5 mars 1998= Informe de la segunda reunion del Grupo de trabajo sobre economia y estadusticas de pesca, Roma, 2-5 marzo de 1998

Corporate Authors: General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy) (Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics., Session), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Format: Book
Published: Informe de la segunda reunion del Grupo de trabajo sobre economia y estadisticas de pesca, Roma, 2-5 marzo de 1998 Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1998
Series:FAO fisheries report no 579
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