Full employment in Europe : managing labour market transitions and risks /

Main Author: Schmid, Günther, 1942-
Format: Book
Published: Cheltenham, England : Edward Elgar, c2008.
Table of Contents:
  • 1. The European employment objective : how 'full' can full employment be?
  • 2. The European Employment Strategy : how far away are we from the Lisbon goals?
  • 3. Comparing the performance of employment systems : is jobless growth on the horizon?
  • 4. Beyond employment performance : is the Lisbon strategy on the right track?
  • 5. Risky transitions over the life course : bridges or traps?
  • 6. Perception and management of social risks : 'in the past the future always seems better'?
  • 7. New forms of governance in labour market policy : are there any limits to privatisation?
  • 8. Managing risks through transitional labour markets : can flexibility and security be married?