Proceedings of the third International Conference on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy Held in Geneva 31 August-9 September 1964 : Mulilingual edition

Corporate Authors: International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, United Nations
Format: Book
Published: New York United Nations 1965
Table of Contents:
  • τ.1. Progress in atomic energy - τ.2. Reactor physics - τ.3. Reactor studies and performance - τ.4. Reactor control - τ.5. Nuclear reactors, I: Gas-cooled and water-cooled reactors - τ.6. Nuclear ractors, II: Fast reactors and advanced consepts - τ.7. Research and testing reactors - τ.8. Reactor engineering and equipment - τ.9. Reactor materials - τ.10. Nuclear fuels I: Fabrication and reprocessing - τ.11. Nuclear fuels II: Types and economics - τ.12. Nuclear fuels III: Raw materials - τ.13. Nuclear safety - τ.14. Environmental aspects of atomic energy and waste management - τ.15. Special aspects of nuclear energy and isotope application -