Proceedings of the WSEAS and IASME Conferences: WSEAS Int. Conf. on mathematical biology and ecology (MABE '05) - WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on fluid mechanics (FLUIDS '05) - WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on heat and mass transfer (HMT '05) Udine, Italy, January 20 - 22, 2005

Corporate Authors: WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology (MABE '05), WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer (HMT '05)
Published: [Αθήνα] World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society [2004]
ΒιβλιοθήκηΤαξιθετικός αριθμόςΑριθμός ΑντιτύπωνΠληροφορίεςΚατάσταση
Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη10067/2005-22ΠροβολήOPAC