Table of Contents:
  • Series of introduction
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • 1. Scale and generalization in GIS
  • 2. The consequences of generalization: a review
  • 3. Selecting and preparing the maps
  • 4. A methodology for the measurement of generalization effects
  • 5. The effects of generalization on individual features
  • 6. The impact of generalization on GIS map manipulations
  • 7. The importance of generalization effects: repercussions for the future of GIS
  • Appendix A. Generalization effects embedded in the British: 1:50.000 scale map
  • Appendix B. Raw data for each feature per scale for the two study areas
  • Appendix C. Sample monochrome copies of the maps used
  • References
  • Author index
  • Subject index