Table of Contents:
  • Looking for lost kin : efforts to reunite freed families after emancipation / Michael P. Johnson
  • For better or for worse : black families and "the state" in Civil War Virginia
  • In the shadow of the old constitution : black Civil War veterans and the persistence of slave marriage customs / Donald R. Shaffer
  • "Of necessity and public benefit" : southern families and their appeals for protection / Amy E. Murrell
  • "High with courage and hope" : the Middleton family's Civil War / Judith Lee Hunt
  • "The white wings of Eros" : courtship and marriage in Confederate Richmond / E. Susan Barber
  • "Good angels" : Confederate widowhood in Virginia / Jennifer Lynn Gross
  • "A family of women and children" : the Fains of East Tennessee during wartime / Daniel W. Stowell
  • Power, sex, and gender roles : the transformation of an Alabama planter family during the Civil War South / Henry Walker
  • Taking up the cross : conversion among black and white Jews in the Civil War South / Lauren F. Winner
  • In the far corner of the Confederacy : a question of conscience for German-speaking Texans / Anne J. Bailey
  • Patriarchy in the world where there is no parting? : Power relations in the Confederate heaven / Ted Ownby.