Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology : proceedings of PHYSTAT05, Oxford, UK, 12-15 September 2005 /

Corporate Author: Conference on Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology Oxford, England)
Other Authors: Lyons, Louis.
Format: Book
Published: London : Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : Imperial College Press ; Distributed by World Scientific, ©2006.
Online Access:
Table of Contents:
  • Bayes/frequentist. Frequentist and Bayesian statistics : A critique (keynote address) / D.R. Cox. Generalized frequentist methods for calculating p-values and confidence intervals / L. Demortier. Bayesian reference analysis / L. Demortier. Cosmological Bayesian model selection / R. Trotta. Towards reconciliation between Bayesian and frequentist reasoning / T. Podobnik and T. Zivko
  • Goodness of fit. Goodness of fit
  • With a view towards particle physics / S.L. Lauritzen. Goodness-of-fit for sparse distributions in high energy physics / B. Yabsley. Likelihood analysis and goodness-of-fit in low counting rate experiments / A. Ianni
  • The "sieve" algorithm
  • Sifting data in the real world / M.M. Block. X[symbol] test for the comparison of weighted and unweighted histograms / N.D. Gagunashvili
  • Likelihood/parameter estimation. Reduction of the number of variables in parameter inference / G. Zech. Errors from the likelihood function / R.J. Barlow. Asymmetric statistical errors / R.J. Barlow. Bias-free estimation in multicomponent maximum likelihood fits with component-dependent templates / P. Catastini and G. Punzi. Least squares approach to the alignment of the generic high precision tracking system / P. Bruckman de Renstrom and S. Haywood. A new fast track-fit algorithm based on broken lines / V. Blobel
  • Nuisance parameters/limits/discovery. Treatment of nuisance parameters in high energy physics, and possible justifications and improvements in the statistics literature / R.D. Cousins. Response (to cousins) / N. Reid. Ordering algorithms and confidence intervals in the presence of nuisance parameters / G. Punzi. Likelihood ratio intervals with Bayesian treatment of uncertainties : Coverage, power and combined experiments / J. Conrad and F. Tegenfeldtf. Limits and confidence intervals in the presence of nuisance parameters / W.A. Rolke, A.M. Lopez and J. Conrad. The Bayesian approach to setting limits : What to avoid / J. Heinrich. Statistically dual distributions in statistical inference / S.I. Bityukov [and others]. Program for evaluation of significance, confidence intervals and limits by direct calculation of probabilities / S.I. Bityukov [and others]. Examining the balance between optimising an analysis for best limit setting and best discovery potential / G.C. Hill [and others]. Statistical challenges for searches for new physics at the LHC / K. Cranmer.
  • Machine learning. Separating signal from background using ensembles of rules / J.H. Friedman. Comment on "separating signal from background using ensembles of rules" / H.B. Prosper. Boosted decision trees, a powerful event classifier / B.P. Roe, H.-J. Yang and J. Zhu. Optimization of signal significance by bagging decision trees / I. Narsky (delivered by H.B. Prosper). Nonparametric Bayesian classification with massive datasets : Large-scale quasar discovery / A. Gray ... [eta l.]. Bayesian neural networks / P.C. Bhat and H.B. Prosper. Signal enhancement using multivariate classification techniques and physical constraints / R. Vilalta [and others]
  • Software. Software for statistics for physics / J.T. Linnemann. Statistical computations with astrogrid and the grid / R. Nichol [and others]. gPlot : A quick introduction / M. Pivk (delivered by F. Le Diberder). Easy data analysis using R / M. Paterno. Statistics in root / R. Brun, A. Kreshuk and L. Moneta. The roofit toolkit for data modeling / W. Verkerke and D. Kirkby. An update on the goodness-of-fit statistical toolkit / B. Mascialino [and others]. CEDAR : Combined e-science data analysis resource / A. Buckley
  • Visualisation. Visualising data / S. Holmes
  • Astrophysics. Astrophysics with terabytes of data / A.S. Szalay. Multiscale geometric analysis of the 2DF data / J.-L. Starck, V.J. Martinez and E. Saar. Application of a multidimensional wavelet denoising algorithm for the detection and characterization of astrophysical sources of gamma rays / S.W. Digel [and others]. Higher criticism statistic : Theory and applications in non-Gaussian detection / J. Jin. Expected principal component analysis of cosmic microwave background anisotropies / S. Leach
  • Time series. On-line inference for data streams / P. Clifford
  • Deconvolution. Some aspects of statistical image modelling and restoration / D.M. Titterington. Iterative inversion methods for statistical inverse problems / N. Bissantz. Unfolding with system identification / N.D. Gagunashvili
  • Summaries. Statistics in astrophysics and cosmology : Phystat05 / A.H. Jaffe. Summary of some statistical issues / N. Reid. Concluding talk : Physics / G.J. Feldman.