Table of Contents:
  • ""Professional Forestry Schools and Colleges""""Faculty""; ""Forestry Extension""; ""Private Industry""; ""Total Forestry Research Workforce by Sector, Function, and Sustainable Forest Management Criteria""; ""INVESTMENT IN FORESTRY RESEARCH""; ""Forest Service Research Support""; ""Other Federal Forestry-Research Funding""; ""Leveraging Research Support""; ""University Research Support""; ""Contributions of the Forest Products Industry""; ""Other Sources of Research Support""; ""EVALUATING RETURN ON INVESTMENT IN FORESTRY RESEARCH""; ""CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""Personnel""
  • ""Research Quality, Productivity, and Efficacy""""Fiscal Strength""; ""Toward Greater Capacity""; ""4 Preparing Forestry Scientists and Users of Forestry Science""; ""THE FUTURE OF FORESTRY EDUCATION""; ""TRENDS IN ENROLLMENT AND GRADUATION""; ""FORESTRY AS AN ACADEMIC SUBJECT""; ""CURRICULUM AS A CONCEPT""; ""MODELS FOR FORESTRY EDUCATION""; ""Broad Trends in Forestry Education""; ""WHAT ABOUT RESEARCH?""; ""WHAT ABOUT CURRICULA?""; ""ADEQUACY AND CAPACITY OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS TO MEET NEAR-FUTURE NEEDS""; ""Disciplinary Breadth of Forestry Education""; ""Numbers of Scientists""