Table of Contents:
  • The Baroque and the cultures of crises / Nicholas Spadaccini and Luis Martín-Estudillo
  • On the notion of a melancholic Baroque / Fernando R. De la Flor
  • Aesthetic categories as empire administration imperatives : the case of the Baroque / Hernán Vidal
  • Baroque anxieties and strategies of survival of Baroque holes and Baroque folds / William Egginton
  • Models of subjectivity in the Spanish Baroque : Quevedo and Gracián / Fernando Ordóñez
  • Horror (vacui) : The Baroque condition / David R. Castillo
  • Institutions and subjectivities in Baroque Spain, from hieroglyphic presence to representational sign : another point of view in the Auto Sacramental / Bradley J. Nelson.
  • The challenges of freedom : social reflexivity in the seventeenth-century literary field / Carlos M. Gutiérrez
  • Revisiting the culture of the Baroque : nobility, city, and post-Cervantine novella / Nieves Romero-Díaz
  • Strategies of identity in the colonial context : perspectives on mestizaje in the early Baroque, Inca Garcilaso and Cervantes / Silvia B. Suárez
  • Freedom and containment in the colonial theology of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz / Paola Marín
  • Sleeping with corpses, eating hearts, and walking skulls : Criollo's subjectivity in Antonio de la Calancha and Bartolomé Arzans de Orsúa y Vela / Leonardo García-Pabán
  • The Baroque and its transgressive recyclings : Baroque/Neobaroque/Ultrabaroque (disruptive readings of modernity) / Mabel Mora.