Table of Contents:
  • Handling global developments, shaping local practices: the interference of the global and the local in work restructuring / Leni Beukema and Jorge Carrillo
  • New forms of industrial organization, regional development and the impact on work restructuring in Brazil / José Ricardo Ramalho
  • Main labor changes in French car industry / Jean-Pierre Durand
  • Segmentation of skills in the Mexican northern border: challenges in a globalized region / Alfredo Hualde
  • Privatization and deregulation of telecommunications in Brazil: the global influence and local implications / Sonia Guimarães Larangeira
  • Foreign direct investment and local linkages: the case of the Mexican television industry in Tijuana / Jorge Carrillo
  • New deals in gambling: global markets and local regimes of regulation / Terry Austrin and Jackie West
  • Global logistic chains as a result of local processes: the case of orchids / Leni Beukema and Harry Coenen
  • Taking a seat in the global marketplace: opportunities for "high road" upgrading in the Indonesian wood furniture sector? / Anne Caroline Posthuma
  • Work restructuring as ongoing glocal processes: concluding remarks / Leni Beukema.