Table of Contents:
  • Archaeologies of sexuality: an introduction / Barbara L. Voss, Robert A. Schmidt
  • Colonial sex: archaeology, structured space, and sexuality in Alta California's Spanish-colonial missions / Barbara L. Voss
  • Sites, settlements, and urban sex: archaeology and the study of gay leathermen in San Francisco, 1955-1995 / Gayle Rubin
  • Unsexing the body: the interior sexuality of medieval religious women / Roberta Gilchrist
  • The site of sexuality: William Beckford's Fonthill Abbey, 1780-1824 / Whitney Davis
  • Mary Ann Hall's first-class house: the archaeology of a capital brothel / Donna J. Seifert, Elizabeth Barthold O'Brien, Joseph Balicki
  • Magical passions: sexuality and African-American archaeology / Laurie A. Wilkie
  • Bulldaggers and gentle ladies: archaeological approaches to female homosexuality in convict-era Australia / Eleanor Conlin Casella
  • Red light voices: an archaeological drama of late nineteenth-century prostitution / Julia G. Costello
  • Archaeology of the 'AQI: gender and sexuality in prehistoric Chumash society / Sandra E. Hollimon
  • Searching for third genders: towards a prehistory of domestic space in Middle Missouri villages / Elizabeth Prine
  • Shamans and northern cosmology: the direct historical approach to Mesolithic sexuality / Robert A. Schmidt
  • Constructing utopian sexualities: the archaeology and architecture of the early Soviet State / Victor Buchli
  • Re-em(bed)ding sex: domesticity, sexuality, and ritual in New Kingdom Egypt / Lynn Meskell
  • A precolumbian gaze: male sexuality among the ancient Maya / Rosemary A. Joyce
  • Meanwhile, back at the village: debating the archaeologies of sexuality / Margaret W. Conkey.