Table of Contents:
  • Cognitive assessment of long-term memory disorders / Edward P. Feher and Randi C. Martin
  • Anomia : differentiating between semantic and phonological deficits / Andrew W. Ellis, Janice Kay, and Sue Franklin
  • The reading process and its disorders / Argye E. Hillis and Alfonso Caramazza
  • Oral and written spelling impairments / David Ira Margolin and Roberta Goodman-Schulman
  • Processes, breakdowns, and remediation in developmental disorders of reading and spelling / David P. Roeltgen and Penni Blaskey
  • A cognitive approach to the neurorehabilitation of acquired language disorders / Marlene Behrmann and Sally Byng
  • Disorders of higher visual processing : theoretical and clinical perspectives / H. Branch Coslett and Eleanor M. Saffran
  • Assessment of acquired dyscalculia / Paul Macaruso, Walter Harley, and Michael McCloskey.
  • New strategies for studying higher level motor disorders / Howard Poizner and John F. Soechting
  • Neuropsychological rehabilitation of musicians and other artists / Tedd Judd
  • Neuroimaging and cognitive function / Beth A. Ober, Bruce R. Reed, and William J. Jagust.