Table of Contents:
  • Affect-identity : the emotions of assimilation, multiraciality, and Asian American subjectivity / Jeffrey J. Santa Ana
  • "I'm blackanese" : buddy-cop films, rush hour, and Asian American and African American cross-racial identification / LeiLani Nishime
  • "To hide her true self" : sentimentality and the search for an intersubjective self in Nora Okja Keller's Comfort woman / Patricia Chu
  • Identities in process : the experimental poetry of Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Myung Mi Kim / Jeannie Chiu
  • Asian America is in the heartland : performing Korean adoptee experience / Josephine Lee
  • "A task of reclamation" : subjectivity, self-representation, and textual formulation in Sara Suleri's Meatless days / Roco G. Davis
  • The transnational imagination : Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of orange / Caroline Rody
  • At the edge of a shattered mirror, community? / Karlyn Koh
  • Claiming postcolonial America : the hybrid Asian-American performances of Tseng Kwong chi / Malini Johar Schueller.