Table of Contents:
  • Introduction, recouping our losses
  • Forgeries and discoveries: Ancient discovery of a forgery, Serapion and the Gospel of Peter; Ancient forgery of a discovery, the Acts of Paul and Thecla; Discovery of an ancient forgery, the Coptic Gospel of Thomas; Forgery of an ancient discovery? Morton Smith and the secret Gospel of Mark
  • Heresies and orthodoxies: At polar ends of the spectrum, early Christian Ebionites and Marcionites; Christians "in the know", the worlds of early Christian gnosticism; On the road to Nicaea, the broad swath of proto-orthodox Christianity
  • Winners and losers: Quest for orthodoxy; Arsenal of the conflicts, polemic treatises and personal slurs; Additional weapons in the polemic arsenal, forgeries and falsifications; Invention of scripture, the formation of the proto-orthodox New Testament; Winners, losers, and the question of tolerance.