Table of Contents:
  • 8. The Lord's Dutch Lunch9. God: The Proprietor of Man; 10. Man: The Proprietor of Himself; 11. The Civil State-Money and Differentiation of Property; 12. The Equal Protection of Inequality; 13. Spiritual Disease-The Revolution- Breeding Element; Intermission; 1. The First Cycle: Order against Spirit; 2. The Second Cycle: The Reassertion of Spirit; 3. Spleen and Skepticism; 4. Montesquieu; 5. The Enlargement of the Geographical Horizon: The Biological Diversification of Mankind; PART EIGHT LAST ORIENTATION; Introductory Remarks; Phenomenalism; 1. Phenomenalism and Science.
  • Schelling1. The Realist in an Age of Disintegration; 2. Elements of Schelling's Position; 3. Schelling's Speculation; 4. Historical Existence: The Key to Speculation; 5. Orgiastic Existence; 6. Promethean Existence; 7. Political Existence; 8. Nirvana; 9. Conclusion; Note on Hölderlin; Nietzsche and Pascal; I; II; III; IV; V; VI; Index.