Table of Contents:
  • ""CONTENTS""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""Introduction""; ""PART I 1876â€?1896""; ""Chapter 1 Land and Labor in New South Countrysides""; ""Chapter 2 â€?â€?A White Manâ€?s Countryâ€?â€?""; ""Chapter 3 The Populist Challenge""; ""PART II 1897â€?1918""; ""Chapter 4 Capital at Work, Capitalists at Play""; ""Chapter 5 Culture, Race, and Class in the Segregation Era""; ""Chapter 6 Warâ€?s Challenge to Jim Crow Citizenship""; ""PART III 1919â€?1939""; ""Chapter 7 Twilight in Cottonâ€?s Kingdom""; ""Chapter 8 â€?â€?Discord, dissension, and hatredâ€?â€?""
  • ""Chapter 9 â€?â€?Uncle Sam is my shepherdâ€?â€?""""Conclusion Deep South Histories""; ""Coda Endings""; ""APPENDIX Charts and Tables""; ""ABBREVIATIONS""; ""NOTES""; ""ESSAY ON SOURCES""; ""INDEX""