Table of Contents:
  • Preface. Introducing Mac OS X: Introduction. Architecture Overview. Frameworks and Object-Oriented Programming. The Languages of Mac OS X: Java. The Languages of Mac OS X: Objective-C. The Languages of Mac OS X: C++. The Frameworks of Mac OS X: Cocoa. The Frameworks of Mac OS X: Carbon. The Frameworks of Mac OS X: Core Foundation and Apple Class Suites. Designing for Mac OS X: Planning Your Project. The Tools of Mac OS X: Project Builder. The Tools of Mac OS X: Interface Builde. Prototyping and Testing. Developing Help and Assistance. Packaging Your Application. Managing Your Code. Writing for Mac OS X: Applications. Building Blocks and Types. Making It Happen: Events, Responders, Delegates and Notification. Visualization (Views and Windows). Interface Design and Controls. Living in a Shared Environment. Documents and Files. Managing Menus. Printing. Action! Games and Multimedia. Writing and Using Services. Scripting in Mac OS X. Writing Reusable Components. Index.