Table of Contents:
  • From election to execution : the Eisenhower-Dulles-Lodge team takes shape
  • Philosophical foundations : the roots of the administration's relationship with the UN
  • Securing the cold war battlefield : the loyalty and security program
  • Influencing international opinion : psychological warfare at the UN
  • Responding through the UN? the search for peace and security in Korea, Indochina, and Guatemala
  • Parting the bamboo curtain : the United States and communist China
  • Rhetoric or reality? Eisenhower, the United Nations, and the struggle to achieve arms control
  • Walking the tightrope : the dilemma of decolonization
  • Responding to the underdeveloped world : human rights, multilateral aid, and racial equality
  • Trouble on two fronts : the administration responds to the Suez and Hungarian crises
  • Coping with crises in uncharted terrain : intervention in Lebanon and the Congo
  • The unfulfilled promise of the United Nations.