Table of Contents:
  • Overview and recommendations. The record. Recent changes in sea level: a summary / Tim P. Barnett
  • North Atlantic sea level and circulation / Keith R. Thompson
  • Large-scale coherence of sea level at very low frequencies / W. Sturges
  • Glacial isostatic adjustment and relative sea-level change / W. Richard Peltier
  • Quaternary sea-level change / Robley K. Matthews
  • Graphic analysis of dislocated quaternary shorelines / Arthur L. Bloom and Nobuyuki Yonekura
  • Seismic stratigraphic record of sea-level change / Nicholas Christie-Blick, G.S. Mountain, and K.G. Miller
  • Long-term eustasy and epeirogeny in continents / C.G.A. Harrison. Processes and feedbacks. Could possible changes in global groundwater reservoir cause eustatic sea-level fluctuations? / William W. Hay and Mark A. Leslie
  • Rolde of land ice in present and future sea-level change / Mark F. Meier
  • Sea level and climate change / Eric J. Barron and Starley L. Thompson
  • Long-term aspects of future atmospheric CO₂ and sea-level changes / Eric T. Sundquist
  • Sea level and the thermal variability of the ocean / Dean Roemmich. Future measurements. Strategy for future measurements of very-low-frequency sea-level change / Walter Munk, Roger Revelle, Peter Worcester, and Mark Zumberge. Index.