Sport and postmodern times /

Other Authors: Rail, Geneviève,
Format: Book
Published: Albany : State University of New York Press, ©1998.
Series:SUNY series on sport, culture, and social relations
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Table of Contents:
  • Postmodernism and the possibilities for writing "vital" sports texts / Toni Bruce
  • "How do you warm-up for a stretch class?": sub/in/di/verting hegemonic shoves toward sport / Nate Kohn and Synthia Sydnor
  • Born-again sport: ethics in biographical research / Robert Rinehart
  • Representing black masculinity and urban possibilities: racism, realism, and Hoop dreams / Cheryl L. Cole and Samantha King
  • Lesbians and locker rooms: the subjective experiences of lesbians in sport / Caroline Fusco
  • Colonizing the feminine: Nike's intersections of postfeminism and hyperconsumption / Mélisse R. Lafrance
  • Seismography of the postmodern condition: three theses on the implosion of sport / Geneviève Rail
  • Sex, lies, and videotape: the political and cultural economies of celebrity fitness videos / Margaret MacNeill
  • Excavating Michael Jordan: notes on a critical pedagogy of sporting representation / David Andrews
  • Baudrillard, "Amérique," and the hyperreal World Cup / Steve Redhead
  • Instrumental rationalization of human movement: an archeological approach / Jacques Gleyse
  • Addiction, exercise, and cyborgs: technologies of deviant bodies / Cheryl L. Cole
  • Post-sport: transgressing boundaries in physical culture / Brian Pronger
  • In search of the sports bar: masculinity, alcohol, sports, and the mediation of public space / Lawrence A. Wenner
  • Rap and dialectical relations: culture, subculture, power, and counter-power / Nancy Midol
  • Hassiba Boulmerka and Islamic green: international sports, cultural differences, and their postmodern interpretation / William J. Morgan
  • (Ir)relevant ring: the symbolic consumption of the Olympic logo in postmodern media culture / Rob VanWynsberghe and Ian Ritchie.