Making the news : journalism and news cultures in Europe /

Main Author: Preston, Paschal
Format: Book
Published: London ; New York : Routledge, 2009.
Table of Contents:
  • Journalism in a state of flux?: explanatory perspectives / Paschal Preston
  • Evolution of organised news and journalism in Europe / Paschal Preston
  • Individual influences on news: journalists' values and norms / Paschal Preston and Monika Metykova
  • New news nets: media routines in a 'knowledge society' / Paschal Preston
  • From news nets to house rules: organisational contexts / Paschal Preston and Monika Metykova
  • Political-economic factors shaping news culture / Jacques Guyot
  • 'The cultural air' : ideology, discourse and power / Paschal Preston
  • A key relation: journalists and their publics / Monika Metykova
  • 'Where's Europe?' : emergent post-national news cultures / Paschal Preston
  • New times, new news paradigms? / Paschal Preston.