Table of Contents:
  • The Middle East and Brazil : transregional politics in the Dilma Rousseff era / Paul Amar
  • The summit of South America-Arab States : historical contexts of South-South solidarity and exchange / Paulo Daniel Elias Farah
  • Brazil's Relations with the Middle East in the "oil shock" era : pragmatism, universalism, and developmentalism in the 1970s / Carlos Ribeiro Santana
  • Palestine-Israel controversies in the 1970s and the birth of Brazilian transregionalism / Monique Sochaczewski
  • Terrorist frontier cell or cosmopolitan commercial hub? : the Arab and Muslim presence at the border of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina / Fernando Rabossi
  • Tropical Orientalism : Brazil's race debates and the Sephardi-Moorish Atlantic / Ella Shohat and Robert Stam
  • Slave barracks aristocrats : Islam and the Orient in the work of Gilberto Freyre / Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond
  • Islamic transnationalism and anti-slavery movements : the Malê Rebellion as debated by Brazil's press, 1835-1838 / José T. Cairus
  • A transnational intellectual sphere : Brazil and Its Middle Eastern populations / María del Mar Logroño Narbona
  • The politics of anti-Zionism and racial democracy in homeland tourism / John Tofik Karam
  • Rio de Janeiro's global bazaar : Syrian, Lebanese, and Chinese merchants in the Saara / Neiva Vieira da Cunha and Pedro Paulo Thiago de Mello
  • Muslim identities in Brazil : engaging local and transnational spheres / Paulo Gabriel Hilu da Rocha Pinto
  • Telenovelas and Muslim identities in Brazil / Silvia M. Montenegro
  • Turco peddlers, Brazilian plantationists, and transnational Arabs : the genre triangle of Levantine-Brazilian literature / Silvia C. Ferreira
  • Multiple homelands : heritage and migrancy in Brazilian Mahjari literature Armando Vargas
  • Orientalism in Milton Hatoum's fiction / Daniela Birman
  • Arab-Brazilian literature : Alberto Mussa's Mu[AYN]allaqa and South-South dialogue / Wail S. Hassan.