Table of Contents:
  • A joyful Soviet childhood : licensed happiness for little ones / Catriona Kelly
  • Utopian naturalism : the epic poem of kolkhoz happiness / Evgeny Dobrenko
  • Luxuriating in lack : plentitude and consuming happiness in Soviet paintings and posters, 1920s-1953 / Helena Goscilo
  • Tasty and healthy : Soviet happiness in one book / Gian Piero Piretto
  • "It's grand to be an orphan!" : crafting happy citizens in Soviet children's literature of the 1920s / Marina Balina
  • Sew yourself Soviet : the pleasures of textile in the machine age / Emma Widdis
  • Happy housewarming! : moving into Khrushchev-era apartments / Susan E. Reid
  • When we were happy : remembering Soviet holidays / Albert Baiburin and Alexandra Piir
  • The 'new Moscow' and the new 'happiness' : architecture as a nodal point in the Stalinist system of value / Katerina Clark
  • Andrei Platonov's Happy Moscow : Tolstoi, Stalin and the Soviet self / Phillip Ross Bullock
  • 'But where is your happiness, Alevtina Ivanovna?' : new debates about happiness in the Soviet films of 1956 / Julian Graffy
  • Easy on the heart ; or 'Strength through joy' / Maya Turovskaya.