Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Felicity Rash
  • Contextualizing nationalism and anti-semitism, 1871-1945 / Ulrich Charpa
  • Anti-semitism as mental mechanism: a model suggested by some similarities between nineteenth-century anti-semitisms in music and science / Stefan Hθupping
  • 'Mag der Jude seine Religion behalten, wenn er sich nur zum Deutschtum bekennt': the philo-semitic nationalism of Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski (1883-1936) as a paradigm of German conservative thinking / Isabelle Engelhardt
  • A political catholic view: discourses on the Judenfrage in the daily newspaper Germania 1918-1933 / Helen Roche
  • In Sparta fθuhlte ich mich wie in einer deutschen Stadt (Goebbels): the leaders of the Third Reich and the Spartan nationalist paradigm / Karin Stθogner
  • On anti-semitism and nationalism at the fin de siαecle: Walter Benjamin's critique of the German youth movement / Martin Weidinger
  • Fridericus, Madame Dubarry and Die Nibelungen: the (nationalist) politics of historical films in Weimar Germany / Simone Borgstede
  • Dr Ernst Henrici: just a "well-known arsonist" of the German Kaiserreich or foreman in the production of an Aryan "Volksgemeinschaft"? / Stephanie Seul
  • British press coverage of German anti-semitism in the early Weimar Republic, 1918-1923 / Russell M. Wallis
  • "Good" Germans, "bad" Nazis and British reactions to the Holocaust / Egbert Klautke
  • Perfidious Albion: Wilhelm Wundt's Vθolkerpsychologie and anti-English propaganda during World War I.