Republicanism, liberty, and commercial society, 1649-1776/

Other Authors: Wootton, David,
Format: Book
Published: Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1994
Series:The making of modern freedom
Table of Contents:
  • Marchamont Nedham and the beginnings of English republicanism, 1649-1656 / Blair Worden
  • James Harrington and The Commonwealth of Oceana, 1656 / Blair Worden
  • Harrington's Oceana: origins and aftermath, 1651-1660 / Blair Worden
  • Republicanism and the Restoration, 1660-1683 / Blair Worden
  • Liberty, virtue, and the rule of law, 1689-1770 / M.M. Goldsmith
  • Antiquity surpassed: the repudiation of classical republicanism / Paul A. Rahe
  • Genevan republicanism / Linda Kirk
  • The Dutch republic and the idea of freedom / Herbert H. Rowen
  • Ulysses bound? Venice and the idea of liberty from Howell to Hume / David Wootton
  • From troglodytes to Americans: Montesquieu and the Scottish enlightenment on liberty, virtue, and commerce / Richard B. Sher.