Development in an insecure and gendered world: the relevance of the Millennium Goals/

Other Authors: Leckie, Jacqueline
Format: Book
Published: Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2009
Series:Gender in a global/local world
Table of Contents:
  • Development, gender and security in a new millennium / Jacqueline Leckie
  • Bare Life as a Development/Postcolonial Problematic / Christine Sylvester
  • Fine words, failed policies: gender mainstreaming in an insecure and unequal world / Jane Parpart
  • The macroeconomics of human insecurity: why gender matters / A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi
  • Gender and social justice beyond the millennium development goals: challenging human insecurity / Helen Hintjens
  • Costly development? Gendered insecurity in a militarized Pacific / Ronni Alexander
  • Development and security: Aotearoa/New Zealand and the millennium goals / Phil Goff
  • Gender security and trade: the millennium development goals in the Pacific / Terence Wood and Vijay Naidu
  • 'Trade driven development': contradictions and insecurity for the Pacific Islands / Jane Kelsey
  • Reformasi, environmental security and development in Indonesia / Budy Resosudarmo
  • Mexico's commitment to development and human security in the new millennium / Maria Ange?lica Arce Mora
  • Trade, aid or what? reflections on development and security / Jenny Bryant-Tokalau.