Item Description: | Includes bibliographical references (p. 612-631) and index. Contents: Pt. I. Early Medieval Architecture. 1. Kiev and Chernigov. 2. Novgorodand Pskov: Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries. 3. Vladimir and SuzdalBefore the Mongol Invasion. 4. The Revival of Architecture in Novgorodand Pskov -- Pt. II. The Muscovite Period. 5. Moscow: ArchitecturalBeginnings. 6. The Ascent of Architecture in Muscovy. 7. TheSeventeenth Century: From Ornamentalism to the New Age -- Pt. III. TheTurn to Western Forms. 8. The Foundations of the Baroque in SaintPetersburg. 9. The Late Baroque in Russia: The Age of Rastrelli. 10.Neoclassicism in Petersburg: The Age of Catherine the Great. 11.Eighteenth-Century Neoclassicism in Moscow and the Provinces. 12. TheEarly Nineteenth Century: Alexandrine Neoclassicism -- Pt. IV. TheFormation of Modern Russian Architecture. 13. Nineteenth-CenturyHistoricism and Eclecticism. 14. Modernism During the Early TwentiethCentury. 15. Revolution and Reaction in Soviet Architecture -- AppendixI Russian Wooden Architecture. |