The end of 'isms'?: reflections on the fate of ideological politicsafter Communism's collapse/

Other Authors: Shtromas, Alexander,, Shtromas, Alex
Format: Book
Published: Oxford: Blackwell, 1994
Item Description:Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: Ideology after the collapse of communism / Kenneth Minogue -- Politicalintegration, the limited state, and the philosophy of postmodernism /Noel O'Sullivan -- After socialism / David Marquand -- Prematureobituaries: a comment on O'Sullivan, Minogue, and Marquand / AlexCallinicos -- Liberalism and collectivism in the 20th century / RichardM. Ebeling -- Decolonizing liberalism / Bhikhu Parekh -- The concept offundamentalism / Bhikhu Parekh -- Nationalism: ambiguous legacies andcontingent futures / Eugene Kamenka -- The people, the intelligentsiaand Russian political culture / Marc Raeff -- The United States:liberals, conservatives, and the challenge of liberation / Robert K.Faulkner -- Ideological politics and the contemporary world: have weseen the last of 'isms'? / Alexsandras Shtromas.
Physical Description:234 p. ; 24 cm.