Reception and the classics/

Corporate Author: Reception and the classics Yale University)
Other Authors: Brockliss, William, Chaudhuri, Pramit
Format: Book
Published: Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press, c2012
Series:Yale classical studies 36
Table of Contents:
  • Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction William Brockliss, Pramit Chaudhuri, Ayelet Haimson Lushkov and Katherine Wasdin; Part I. Reception between Transmission and Philology: 2. 'Arouse the dead': Mai, Leopardi, and Cicero's commonwealth in Restoration Italy James Zetzel; 3. Honor culture, praise, and Servius' Aeneid Robert Kaster; 4. Joyce and modernist Latinity Joseph Farrell; 5. Lyricus vates: musical settings of Horace's Odes Richard Tarrant; Part II. Reception as Self-Fashioning: 6. Petrarch's epistolary epic: Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum familiarium libri) Giuseppe Mazzotta; 7. The first British Aeneid: a case study in reception Emily Wilson; 8. Ovid's witchcraft Gordon Braden; 9. The streets of Rome: the classical Dylan Richard F. Thomas; Reception and the classics: envoi Christopher S. Wood.