Table of Contents:
  • 1. Strategic Prize: Britains Vital Military Base
  • 2. The Enemy With in: The Rise of the Enosis Campaign
  • 3. The Secret Alliance: Eden Sto kes Turkish Violence
  • 4. Military Crackdown: Harding Gets Tough
  • 5. Hamstrung at Suez: Grivas Sabotages Military Preparations
  • 6. Macmil lans Pact: Eisenhower Deal Frees Makarios
  • 7. Sounding the Retreat: N ATO Allowed to Mediate
  • 8. North Atlantic Agenda: Eisenhower Rejects the Macmillan Plan
  • 9. Pax Americana: The Settlement Secures NATO Tie s
  • 10. A Sham Independence: The Unsinkable Aircraft-carrier
  • 11. Co nstitutional Collapse: The Bloodbath Begins
  • 12. Americas Secret Opti on: A Limited Invasion
  • 13. A Crude Partition: The British Defend Tur kish Enclaves
  • 14. The NATO Plot: Plans to Split Cyprus
  • 15. Fallen Allies: Grivas Risks War
  • 16. The Red Priest: Assassination Target - - 17. Crisis of Trust: Spying Bases at Risk
  • 18. The Invisible Hand: The Greek Colonels Oust Makarios
  • 19. Searching Questions: Kissinger and Callaghan are Cross-examined
  • 20. Warnings of a Coup: The CIA Kne w in Advance
  • 21. Washington Stalls: Britain Sends a Task-force
  • 22 . Americas Veto: Kissinger Blocks Military Deterrent
  • 23. The Turkish Landing: Britain on the Brink of War
  • 24. A Creeping Invasion: Talks at Geneva
  • 25. The Road to War: Kissinger Over-rules Callaghan
  • 26 . To the Attila Line: US Pressure Contains the Advances
  • 27. Sabotage d by Congress: The Bitter Legacy Lives On
  • Appendix: Interview with H enry Kissinger.