Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam, July 12-17, 1998 : Classical Archaeology towards the third millenium: reflections and perspectives /
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Format: | Book |
Language: | Multiple |
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Amsterdam :
Allard Pierson Museum,
Series: | Allard Pierson series ;
12 |
Subjects: |
Table of Contents:
- [v. 1] Text
- [v. 2] Plates
- Brijder, H.A.G. Preface
- Docter, R.E., Moormann, E.M. Introduction: Birds of a different feather in the archaeological tree
- Brandt, J.R. The XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology. Some Reflections and Perspectives
- Dupre Raventos, X. Address at the opening
- Niemeyer, H.G. Concluding remarks at the XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 12-17 July 1998
- Bonghi Jovino, M. Aspetti e problemi dellʹ archeologia da campo. Acquisizioni, prospettive e considerazioni teoretiche e metodologiche
- Dyson, S.L. Thomas Jefferson, robber barons and multiculturalism: American Classical Archaeology from the City on the Hill to the New millennium
- Korres, M. The Modern cult of ancient objects and monuments
- Morris, I. The social and economic archaeology of Greece: an overview
- Schnapp, A. Peut-on parler dʹ une archaeologie de la religion grecque?
- Zanker, P. Mythenbilder im Haus
- Ahlberg-Cornell, G. The Wearing out Phenomenon in Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting. A Test of Study of Internal Chronology
- Ajootian, A. Athena Medici in Athens
- Armellin, P. Distribuzione spaziale e caratteristiche formali dei monumenti sepolcrali di eta romana: il caso della via Appia
- Arruda, A.M., Viegas, C. A Roman Temple in Scallabis (Santerem, Portugal): Architecture and Historical Context
- Attema, P., Joolen, E, van, Leusen, M. van, Burgers, G.J., Mater, B., Veenman, F. Regional pathways to complexity: landscape and settlement dynamics in early Italy
- Barakari-Gleni, A. Peppa-Papaioannou, E. A New Cult Place of the Archaic Period in Argos
- Barra Bagnasco, M. Recenti scoperte a Pomarico Vecchio e aspetti degli insediamenti indigeni nella Lucanian tra VI e III sec. a.C.
- Bennett, M. The Belted Hero Figurine: New Evidence
- Bianchi, R., Cavalli, R.M., Corsi, C. Marino, C.M., Pignatti, S. Ricerche topografiche in Sicilia: Integrazione tra metodi tradizionali e dati iperspettrali da piattaforma aerea
- Bilgin Altinoz, A.G., Erder, C. A Comparative Study on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the Urban Archaeological Site of Bergama (Pergamon)
- Bohac, L., Bouzek, J. Beirut and Tell Erfad: Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial relations with the Mediterranean
- Bohr, E. Catching and Caging Birds in Greek Vase Painting
- Bongrani, L., Pasquali, M.I., Ciceroni, M. Attestazioni di culti egizi nella sud-occidentale dellʹ antica Roma
- Borgers, O. Some Subjects and Shapes by the Theseus Painter
- Bouzek, J., Musil, J. Greeks and Thracians: Greek Emporia in Thace
- Braemer, F. Le Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani
- Brandt, J.R. Reading Kitchenware. The Study of Latin Iron Age household pottery
- Bron, Ch. La musique du comos
- Calandra, E. Ancora su Adriano: archetipi scultorei e programmi iconografici
- Camili, A. Mutatio Aquaviva
- Carafa, P. Il tempio grande dellʹ acropoli di Cuma. Analisi metrologica e proposte di ricostruzione
- Carlson, D. Roman Fishing Boats: Form and Function
- Carsterns, A.M. Sepulchral architecture on the Halikarnassos peninsula
- Caruso, I. Tre dusti imperiali da Civitavecchia
- Caruso, I. Le oreficerie della collezione Castellani al Museo Villa Giulia
- Chotus, J. Bucchero Pottery as a Votive Gift: Ritual Deposition in Satricum, Latium
- Chrzanovski, L., Krause, C., Pellegrino, A. Nuove indagini nella Schola del Traiano ad Ostia
- Cicirelli, C. Il complesso di pitture e pavimenti di II stile dalla villa 6 di Terzigno
- Coldstream, J.N., Huxley, G.L. The Recovery of Knossos in the fifth century BC
- Collombier, A.-M. Les sanctuaires de Chypre: Essai de typologie
- Coucouzeli, A. Architecture, power, and ideology in Dark Age Greece: a new interpretation of the Lefkandi Toumba Building
- Cuomo di Caprio, N., Chiaramonte Trere, C. Tarquinia Civita, ceramica dʹ impasto e a vernice nera. Proposta per un sistema di documentazione tecnica
- Dʹ Alessio, M.T. Ilʹ sanctuario del Tempio Doricoʹ a Pompei. Nuovi materiali votivi
- David, M. La professione dellʹ archeologo tra metodologia e deontologia
- de Boer, J. The origins and beginning of the Greek colonisation in the Black Sea area
- Delgado Cabriada, S., Hernadez Vera, J.A., Marin Chaves, C., Martinez Torrecilla, J.A. Mechanical deformation evidences in Roman mortals: El Burgo Dam, Graccurris (Alfano, La Rioja, Spain)
- Deuling, J.K. Allusions to structures and works of art in the Aeneid. A revised approach for Roman epic
- de Waele, J.A.K.E. A building copy: the Greater Propylaia in Eleusis
- Dijkstra, P.F. A quantitative analysis of the skeleton, a tool in the study of congeniality
- Di Stefano, G. Lʹ Agora di Camarina in Sicilia
- Donati, L. Poggio Civitella (Montalcino, Siena). From Etruscan village to fortress
- Donohue, A.A. Ideology abd Historiography in the Study of Classical Art
- Doorewaard, T. The Menzel photo archive at Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
- Dupre Raventos, X. Il teatro romano di Tusculum (Lazio): Da rovina romantica a soggetto storico
- Edlund-Berry, I. Architectural traditions in ancient Italy
- Eisenberg, J.M. The acquisition of antiquities in the 21st century
- Fears, J.R. Herculanensium Augustalium Aedes and the theology of ruler cult
- Franken, N. Monumentale Gotterthrone im Kapitol von Brescia. EIn Vorbericht
- Friedemann, P. La souris, nouvel outil de lʹ archeologie?
- Giudice, F., Giudice, E. Il problema degliʹ import modelsʹ nella ceramografia attica: il caso di Crotone
- Gluscevic, S. The cemeteries of Zadar from the 1st to the 4th centuries AD
- Guimier-Sorberts, A.-M. The function of funerary iconography in Roman Alexandria. An original form of bilingual icinography in the necropolis of Kom el Shoqafa
- Haentjens, A.M.E. Attic Geometric childgraves. More than bones in pots
- Hagn, Th. Das griechische Propylon. Definition und Dokumentation einer Denkmalergruppe
- Halbertsma, R.B. Learning from the past: towards a new arrangement of the classical collection in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, the Netherlands
- Hannestad, N. The accesibility of information in Classical Archaeology. Reflections in an age of information technology
- Hauber, CH., Schutz, F.X. THe multi-disciplinary multimedia Geographical Information System applied to archaelogy. GIS[A] FORTVNA: the basics of development
- Hemingway, S., Wolfe, J., Mitten, D.G., Brauer, A. Art and technology: the study of ancient bronzes at the Harvard University Art Museums into the 21st century
- Hirata, E.F.V., Borba Florenzano, M.B. Classical Archaeology in Brazil: Developments and Perspectives
- Irmscher, J. Die Emanzipation der Klassischen Archaologie
- Jurgeit Blanck, F. Etruskische und italische Bronzen im Badischen Landesmuseum Karlsruhe: Zur Geschichte ihrer Restaurierung
- Jurriaans-Helle, G. The bride, the goddess, the hero and the warrior. Chariot-scenes on Attic Black-Figure vases
- Karivieri, A. Late Roman lamps in the deposits of the Athenian Agora: a statistical approach
- Kars, H. Of archaeological heritage management and environmental archaeometry
- Kessener, H.P.M., Piras, S.A.G. The Aspendos Aqueduct research project (AARP): the siphon
- Klockner, A. Wulfmeier, Ch. Eine Epiphanie der Aphrodite
- Knauss, F. Ein silbernes Trinkhorn aus Mtisdziri. Die Kolchis zwischen Achameniden und Griechen
- Koens, H.F.W., Jansen, R.J. Computed tomography and ancient ceramics: a new approach
- Kreuzer, B. Athenische Eulen furs Symposion
- Lafli, E. Sagalassos Roman relief wares from Seleuceia Sidera in Pisidia (Turkey)
- Lawall, M. Amphoras and Aegean trade: structure and goals for future research
- Lawton, C. Votive reliefs and popular religion in the Athenian Agora: the case of Asklepios and Hygieia
- Lijenstolpe, P., Klynne, A. The Prima Porta garden archaeological project. Investigations of the imperial gardens at the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta
- Lomas, K. Crossing boundaries: ethnicity and urban development in Southern Italy
- Lubsen Admiraal, S.M. The Getty Krater by Syriskos
- Lulof, P.S. The Image of Perseus in archaic roof-decoration in Central Italy
- Maas, H. Bronze from the Archaic Vitive Deposit of Satricum
- Mackay, E.A. Exekiasʹ calyx-krater revisited. Reconsidering the attribution of Agora AP 1044
- Marszal. J.R. The Victory monuments of Attalos I at Pergamon
- Massa-Pairault, F.-H. Imagerie corinthienne et semantique de lʹ image dans lʹ a
- Pasquinucci, M., Menchelli, S. North Etruscan ware: local productions and trade
- Putzu, A.R. Analisi spaziale delle dinamiche insediative di una porzione del suburbio romano
- Rajala, U. GIS in the analysis of the settlement patterns in central Italy. The possibilities and problems in studying south-east Etruria
- Ramos Sainz, M.L. Experimental archaeology: the manufacturing of terracottas in Roman times
- Rathje, A., Kampen, I. van. Giacomo Boni, a twentieth-century excavator: his theories and methods
- Reber, K. Zur Rekonstruktion der Privathauser von Eretria
- Reggiani, A.M. The pictorial decorations in some rooms on the western side of the Canopus of the Villa Adriana
- Regter, W. Forever fascinating fans
- Ridgway, D. The lure of the west, 900-700 BC: a closer look
- Riederer, J. Neue Erkenntnisse zur Verwendung von Kupferlegierungen bei den Romern
- Riva, C. Funerary ritual, cultural identity and memory in Orientalising South Etruria
- Robinson, T. Ottoman records and Classical Archaeology
- Rodgers, N. The Temple of Athena at Torone: a proportional study of Archaic Doric geison blocks
- Romeo, I. Il 13 a.C. ed il ruolo di Marco Aggripa nel fregio dellʹ Ara Pacis
- Salcedo Garces, F. Propaganda e programma iconografici della citta di Tusculum (Italia)
- Santoro Bianchi, S. Stato e prospettive delle ricerche italiane sugli insediamenti romani minori di area alpina
- Sara, G. Tipologia e chronologia delle anfore greche da transporto della necropoli punica di Palermo (VII-IV sec. a.C.)
- Scatozza Horicht, L.A. :ʹ Athena frigia ed il contesto delle terrecotte figurate di Lacco Ameno (Pithecusae)
- Schadler, U. Zeit, Prozess und Handlung in der griechischen Plastik der Spatklassik und des Hellenismus
- Schmid, S.G. A new millennium at Eretria (Euboia, Greece): the Roman period
- Schorner, G. Votivreliefs in der romischen Provinz Achaia. Zum Gotter- und Menschenbild im hellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Griechenland
- Schraudolph, E. Die Neugestaltung der Antikenabteilung im Kestner-Museum Hannover
- Schwb, K.A. THe Parthenon North Metopes: new approaches to reconstructing the Sack of Troy
- Serafin, P. La moneta nel gioiello
- Serra Ridgway, F.R. Stone quarries and multi-chamber tombs: the use of space in the cemetery of Etruscan Tarquinia
- Siebert, A.V. Instrumenta sacra. Soma remarks on the meaning of Roman sacrificial instruments
- Skinn, U. Olympia: pilgrims, athletes and Christians. The development of the site in Late Antiquity
- Skupinska-Lovset, I. Roman portrait sculpture in Syria. Regionalization and social stratification
- Slavazzi, F. Le statue equestri dellʹ Italia settentrionale. Indagini su un tipo di monumento onorario romano
- Smith, A. Inside looking out: representation of vision in two Pompeian frescoes
- Smith, T.J. Remembering Black-Figure: old methods, new applications
- Soderlind, M. Continuity and decline: the late terracotta production in south Etruria
- Soldner, M. Erzahlweise auf spatklassischen Vasen als Deutungsfalle. Zur Relevanz ikonographischer Hermeneutik
- Steures, D.C. Arionʹs misunderstood vitive offerings
- Stichel, R.H.W. Zur Deutung des Grabmals am 3. Kerameikos-Horos vor dem Dipylon in Athen
- Stirling. L.M., Ben Lazreg, N. Roman Kilns and Pottery production at Leptiminus, Tunisia: results of excavation in 1995-1998
- Stissi, V. Why do numbers count? A plea for a wider approach to excavation pottery
- Thielemans, S. Dating walls based on a typo-chronology of styles in dry masonry: some reflections and perspectives
- Thomansen, H. Contextual analyses of Corinthian pottery in the study of ancient societies
- Tschurtschenthaler, M. Kontinuitat und Wandel prahistorischer und romerzeitlicher ʹBrandopferplatzeʹ
- Tsetskhladze, G.R. Greeks of the Black Sea (the current perspective)
- Tuna-Norling, Y. Hektorʹs ransom on a Krater from Tekirdag
- Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The original plan of the Greek theater reconsidered: the theater at Evonymon of Attica
- van Beek, R., Beelen, J. Excavations on Karantina Island (Klazomenai)
- van Binsbergen, W. With Black Athena into the third millennium CE?
- van de Put, W. CVA, corpus or corpse?
- van de Meer, L.B. Erus, Zinthepus and Zimuthe. A Greek myth in Etruscan dress
- Varone, A. Lʹ apporto delle scienze alla conoscenza del mondo antico: lʹ esempio del recente scavo pompeiano lungo via dellʹ Abbondanza
- Vedder, U. Der Koloss von Rhodos. Neue Perspektiven uber 2000 hinaus?
- Vermeulen, F. Geoarchaeology and the classical landscape of central Anatolia. New Methods of investigation in field survey
- Vladimirova-Paunova, V. Dionysosʹ chariot: a new key to an interpretation of Thracian art
- Vullo, N., Passi Pitcher, L., Maderna, M. The Latin colony of Cremona and its forma urbis: a GIS application
- Wanhill, R.J.H. Brittle archaeological silver. Indentification, restoration and conservation
- Weber-Lehmann, C. Die Auspizien des Vel Saties: Ein Kinderspielen. Etruskische Selbstdarstellung im Spannungsfeld zwischen romischer Politik und griechischen Lebenswelten
- Weiss, C. Schussler, U. Neues Licht auf altem Glas. Archaologische und archaometrische Untersuchungen an einem romischen Kameoglas in Wurzburg
- Westgate, R. Greek mosaics in their architectural and social context
- Wiel Marin, F. La collezione Bocchi di Adria: il caso di tre classi di vasi attici come documento degli scambi di un emporion dellʹ alto Adriatico
- Winter, N.A. New information concerning the early terracotta roofs of Etruria
- Zagdoun, M.A. Stoicisme et art hellenistique
- Zewadski, W.K. The crooked cane in South-Italian vase painting
- Zimmer, G. Wohnen und Arbeiten. Der griechische Burger und die Welt der Arbeit