Syrian Orthodox Church Antioch liturgy

Format: Book
Published: [s. l.]: UNESCO, 1992
Series:Anthologie des musiques traditionnelles
Table of Contents:
  • Sanctus (Anaphora=Anaphore)
  • Qolo (At the Outer Door=Sur la porte exte?rieure)
  • Takhshefto (The days pass like a shadow=Les jours passent comme lʹombre)
  • Gnizo (Glory to the Magnanimous One=Gloire au Bon)
  • Breviary=Breviaire (Adoration of the Cross and Our Father=Adoration de la Croix et Notre Pe?re)
  • Communion chant=Chant de communion (He Whom the Seraphim Fear to Behold=Celui que les se?raphins craignent de regarder)
  • Takhshefto (Like the merchants=Commes les commerc?ants)
  • Madrosh / Madroshe (To Describe Thy Beauty=De?crire ta beaute?)