Appianʹs roman history : in four volumes /

Main Author: Αππιανός, ο Αλεξανδρεύς, 2ος αι. μ.Χ.
Other Authors: White, Horace,, Denniston, J. D., Robson, Edgar Iliff,
Format: Book
Ancient Greek
Published: Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1961-1964
Series:Loeb classical library [Greek authors] ; 2, 3, 4, 5
Item Description:Includes bibliographical references and index
The first two volumes of the present edition have been revised and prepared for the press by J. D. Denniston; the last two volumes, by E. Iliff Robson
Greek text and English translation on opposite pages
Physical Description:4 v. ; 17 cm.