Servio= Servius : stratificazioni esegetiche e modelli culturali: exegetical stratifications and cultural models/

Other Authors: Casali, Sergio
Format: Book
Published: Bruxelles: Latomus, 2008
Series:Collection Latomus ; 317
Table of Contents:
  • Aemulatio : the critic as intertext / Alison Sharrock
  • "Ecce αμφιβολικώς dixit" : allusioni "irrazionali" alle varianti scartate della storia di Didone e Anna secondo Servio / Sergio Casali
  • Segregem eam efficit : Vergilʹs Camilla and the scholiasts / Ruth Morello
  • I celeres e lʹantica cavalleria nellʹesegesi serviana / Costanza Mastroiacovo
  • Virgil as Etruscologist in Serviusʹs Commentary, or, From the author to the author / Carlo Santini
  • Servius and the city of Amyclae case / Tiziana Privitera
  • Servius and the Emperor / Richard F. Thomas
  • Servius and the Homeric scholia / Joseph Farrell
  • Servio fra sinonimia e differentiae uerborum / Fabio Stok
  • Stoic and Epicurean interpretations in Serviusʹs Commentary on Vergil / Aldo Setaioli
  • Stratificazioni orfiche in Servio / Fabrizio Comparelli
  • Scholia and authorial identity : the Scholia Bernensia on Vergilʹs Georgics and Servius auctus / Luca Cadili
  • Servius Danielinus and Scholia Veronensia : clues to their relationship / Claudio Baschera
  • Working hypotheses on the connection between Servius and Isidore of Seville / Riccardo Scarcia
  • News of Guarinoʹs lost Servius / Giuseppe Ramires
  • Servius in der Tradition der Homer-Vergil-Vergleichs : einige U?berlegungen zu Methode und Kriterien / Gregor Vogt-Spira.